Good Night, Sleep Tight

Cover of Goodnight sleep tight
Kristina Andres
Gecko Press
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The full title of this picture book is Goodnight Sleep Tight, Eleven-And-A Half Good Night Stories with Fox and Rabbit.

Fox and Rabbit live together in a little house beyond the molehills. In the first story, Fox accidentally locks Rabbit out, and Rabbit ends up falling asleep curled up on the porch, as Fox eats his way through three bowls of pasta and all the sauce in the house, then goes out to find more food. While he's out, Rabbit climbs in through the chimney and goes to sleep in Rabbit's bed which is still warm. When they finally get back together, they don't recognize each other and decide it is because they are covered with night dust, because they went to sleep so late. But they stay pitch black until their visiting friend, Elephant, takes them for a swim in the lake. Trust me. Elephant is the smart one.

The stories are all about the country bedtimes of Fox and Rabbit, and are just the right length and tone for a bed time ritual. Depending on the age of your reluctant sleeper, you might bring a pretend bowl of pasta, raspberries, an elephant, sandwiches, fish, a flock of sheep, and a clock into the bedroom as bedtime props.)

While this book is not exactly Wind in the Willows, it has its charms. The biggest attraction of Goodnight Sleep Tight is Kristina Andres' collection of illustrations, which have a belovedly familiar quality. We would definitely recommend getting the hardback so your bedtime babies will get the full benefit of the picture book experience.