Bandruid, Maeve

Writing has always been the key to my sanity and I have ruined many a relationship to keep it. Dating a writer, let alone any artist is never easy, but at least with a writer, you know that when they say they can't see you it's because we're banging away on a keyboard and not a bimbet backstage or some such...usually (lol).

My first book was in 7th Grade and called "The Little Watering Hole". It was a childrens tale with a very simple message: Size Matters Not. For you geeks out there, yes, that is indeed a Yoda quote. Some Truths are Universal.

I began writing Twilight's tales in 2000 while pregnant with my second daughter, a dark Knowing riding my mind that I would not have her long within this world. So, I made a barter and kept my child, and it was then that the chaos began, saturating my dreams until I wrote them down in the wee hours before dawn.