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Dobie Paisano Writer's Fellowship
The Graduate school, the university of Texas at Austin, 110 Inner campus Drive Stop GO 400, Austin, TX 78712–0531
The Dobie Paisano fellowship program provides solitude, time, and a comfortable place for Texas writers or writers who have written significantly about Texas, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, plays, or other mediums. The Dobie Paesano Ranch is a very rural and rustic setting and applicants should read the guidelines closely to ensure their ability to reside in the secluded environment. Deadline January 15. Applications are accepted beginning December 1 and must be postmarked no later than January 15. The Ralph H Johnson Memorial Fellowship is for a period of four months with a stipend of $6250 per month. It is aimed at writers who have already demonstrated some publishing and critical success. The Jesse H Jones writing fellowship is for a period of approximately six months with a stipend of $3000 per month. It is aimed at but not limited to writers who are early in their careers. Costs: application fee $20 for one fellowship, $30 for both fellowship.
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