Do you have writing rituals? Are there things you do that may be considered superstitious that helps you keep the muse happy? I have theater experience, and the theater is chock full of superstitious. Don't whistle on stage. Beware performances of "Macbeth" because they are bad luck. Wish an actor to "break a leg" before a performance.

It's been a little over a year since Massachusetts went into lockdown in light of Covid19. The day before lockdown, my husband and I went out to dinner at the Beverly Depot for my birthday. That restaurant is a restored, turn of the 20th century train station. Very unusual and cool place to celebrate my birthday. The next day, we were on our way to becoming agoraphobic. Being cooped up in the house for months on end took its toll. We were both bored and tired. 

That was a year ago. This is now.

Valentine's Day is in two weeks. What to do? What to do?

You could go out to dinner with your loved one and buy them flowers. Catch a romantic movie. Go for a walk in the park or on the beach.

That was, until Covid reared its ugly head. So, what are some good ways to celebrate the Day of Love while isolating and wearing masks?

There are plenty of things you can do. Turn off your phone and unplug the computer. Here are some suggestions for fun things to do on Valentine's Day.

Genre: Erotica, Erotic Romance, LGBT

Publisher: Chained Hearts Publishing

Date of Publication: July 23, 2020


Number of pages: 205

Word Count: Appx. 65,000 words

Cover Artist: Chris Wallace

Tagline: In this series of twisted fairy tales you'll learn about the steamy encounters the original writers left out. From a gay Pied Piper to Cinderella's Sex Coach and even a wild encounter on a hunt for bigfoot, these stories reveal a wild side of your favorite fairy tale characters.


We are in the midst of the holiday season. COVID put a monkey wrench into my live book promotion plans, but I was able to do quite a bit online. I participated in two blog tours for two of my books. I took out ads in online romance web sites. I did a newsletter booster, and I did some live chats on Facebook. 

Halloween is right around the corner, so I thought I'd write about famous horror movie locations. I used to work in the movies and on TV. I mostly worked as a gaffer (lighting) but I also did scenic painting and makeup including F/X. I did lighting for "Die Hard With A Vengeance" and the movie "12 Monkeys". I did makeup for the TV show "Homicide: Life On The Street". I also did crew work for a slew of concerts and stage shows, so the making of movies and TV has always interested me. I also like to travel, especially to haunted locations, so I always check to see where something is filmed.

It may be true that many writers suffer from Imposter Syndrome. If that's the case, life is hard enough for a writer. Don't make it worse by making the following statements.

I wish I had time to write.

Such a comment makes it sound like you the writer are wasting time honing your craft.

I'd write, but I have a real job.

Here is a rare, practically unheard of experience for me: I have writers block.

During a special broadcast on OPB Radio, the winners of the 33rd Annual Oregon Book Awards, selected by panels of out-of-state judges, were announced.

Cathy Camper of Portland
Lowriders Blast from the Past (Chronicle Books)
Judges: Pablo Cartaya, Amy Pattee, Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich
