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AWP Award Series Association of Writers and Writing programs, 5700 Rivertech Court, Sweet 225, 20737–12 50, 5700 River Tech Court. Suite 225, Riverdale Park, MD 22030
AWP sponsors the Award series, an annual competition for the publication of excellent new book length works. The competition is open to all authors writing in English, regardless of nationality or residence and is available to published and unpublished authors alike. Offered annually to foster new literary talent deadline postmarked between January 1 and February 28. AWP prize for the novel $2500 and publication by New Issue Press Donald Hall Prize for poetry $5500 and publication by the University of Pittsburgh Press; Grace Paley prize in short fiction $5500 and publication by the University of Massachusetts Press; AWP prize for Creative nonfiction $2500 and publication by the University of Georgia Press costs $30 for nonmembers $20 for members
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